Week 10

Published on 26 February 2025 at 18:31

Last week was another slow but steady week of treatments, with only one day off on Tuesday (they only do one chemo day when it is a harsher regimen).  I was very sore all week from the new permacath, but each day it got a little better.  The first dressing change/bandage change was incredibly painful because one of the stitches was tangled up in the bandage!  And then afterwards I went to my lymph massage and her electric wands zapped me several times - not my favorite day.  The good news is that Jason and I got to meet with one of the surgeons at our clinic to discuss the chemo injection surgery and biopsy of a spot they found on my left side.  He is going to try to get us scheduled within the next week or so.  


On Friday I had my stronger chemo treatment, and tolerated it fairly well.  The nurses have figured out the types of anti-naseau and steroids my body needs in order to recover quickly and make the whole experience easy.  What's funny is that the steroid they give me for pain really gives me lots of energy so that I normally go home and cook and clean, and feel great all evening!  One of the nurses was telling me that she felt really tired due to getting up at 4 am to take a test, and I told her she needs some of my medicine.  


We are working hard at keeping our kids from being too bored, as well as helping our dogs get enough exercise.  We try to get out into town or to a dog park every day, but sometimes Jason has to do all of that without me because I'm napping or just don't feel up to an outing.  On the weekends we try to find something fun for everyone, so this weekend we got to attend an Arabian horse show, and then on Saturday we hiked for 2 miles at a state park, then had a picnic.  The scenery and weather here are wonderful, at least for now.  I know it gets extremely hot here in the summer.  I believe we had a day temperature reach 87 degrees this week already!


The kids are plodding along in their schoolwork, it isn't much fun, but they can enjoy art and videos once they finish, and have both been doing some crafts and puzzles in the evening.  Connor is starting to cook some meals and desserts for us, which I appreciate!  Both Camille and Connor help with chores as well.  We're all trying to make the best of our "adventure", and looking forward to finishing up in about a month.  

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