This past week ended up being much more of the same routines: sleeping in, getting up and either eating or fasting depending on chemo days, doing some housework, heading to the clinic, receiving infusions for a few hours, doing an errand or two in town, then heading home for dinner, possibly a nap or a walk, and some evening relaxation before bedtime and then doing it all again the next day. I'm really hoping my body is responding well to all the treatments, but I haven't been able to get an update since a week or so ago. I have more bloodwork next week that should help track the trends better.
The clinic did give me Tuesday off, so I was able to spend time with my family, as well as work on my bookkeeping for a few hours. The days off are a blessing!
On Friday I had another tougher chemo, and it went ok. Towards the end, a former cancer patient walked in and introduced himself to me, and gave me some encouraging words! He had been treated last year and is now cancer-free. He is a missionary supported by my home church, and was able to give me some more information when we were researching this clinic in November.
Over the weekend, I rested a lot, attended church, and then we moved to a different house because our rental had ended. The new house is bigger and we like it a lot! It's a little further from the clinic, but still with 30 minutes most days.
The kids are enjoying their rooms, and trying to work on school while I'm receiving treatments. I'm so proud of them for getting their work done! Jason is kept very busy keeping us all in order and driving us everywhere. He's been a wonderful support and leader for our family, and we're so grateful he's out here with us.
Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement!
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